04 July 2011

Dragonhunter in Wayne County!

On July 3, 2011, we went to Fish Hatchery Park in Northville, MI. This was the location of the first federal fish hatchery as noted previously. Our hopes were to capture Black-shouldered Spinyleg (Dromogomphus spinosus) since this was the location we observed a male in 2010.

Upon arrival a large clubtail flew from one of the many perches along Johnson Creek that were bathed in sunlight. Initial thought was spinylegs, but it was big and the abdomen was curled in a distinctive J-shape. Once it landed the small head with green eyes were obvious: Dragonhunter (Hagenius brevistylus)! This was a species we didn't expect to see this day, but we had always had hopes to find one.

Now to catch an individual...vouchers are required for first county records in Michigan. Unfortunately, subsequent visits over the past few days haven't turned up the spinylegs or Dragonhunter.

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