I had observed Lyre-tipped Spreadwings (Lestes unguiculatus) at this location in early July. Returning on July 10th, I not only found the Lestes again, but to my surprise there were a few dozen recently emerged Citrine Forktails (Ischnura hastata). Here are a couple individuals:


We initially found this species in Michigan back in 2002 and subsequently at several locations covering three counties, but not every year. This is the first time we've found this smallest damselfly of the US in our own city.
1 comment:
I hope that you don't mind my bookmarking your blog -- I'm another odophile who has worked at turning my urban Denver front yard into friendly habitat for a number of species, especially dragons and damsels. It's taken a lot of effort, but totally worth it when a flame skimmer lands on your hand!
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