22 November 2014

Ophio Odyssey - day 2, last stop #5

The Paint River - upstream

I had rainy weather continuing on June 12th, 2014, but tried to check another location that looked good for odes on the map.

5th stop = The DNR boat launch at the Paint River Forks (46.23134, -88.7188).

At this location, the north fork (left) and south fork (right) come together.

I spent most of my time on the south fork due to weather and found a few dragonflies.

Exuviae finds =

South Fork

1 Pygmy Snaketail (Ophiogomphus howei)

1 Extra-striped Snaketail (O. anomalus)

5 snaketail sp. (Ohiogomphus sp.)

1 Twin-spotted Spiketail (Cordulegaster maculata)

North Branch

1 snaketail sp. (Ohiogomphus sp.)

Unfortunately, this was my last stop before heading to the DSA meeting in Wisconsin the next day.  If time allows in the future, I'll definitely want to check this and the previous posts' locations for odes again.