As a followup to the 2011 Nicaraguan ode shots in the previous post, here are habitat shots to help give a sense of the terrain.
Finca Esperanza Verde (FEV) and General Nestor's were highlighted previously here.
This post will focus on our visit to a finca in the department of Jinotega.
EL JAGUAR RESERVE (EJ) -- cloud forest including a sustainable coffee farm, near El Mojon
-- Ariel El Dorado, near Forest MoSI station: 13.234785, -86.054017, 1270+ m
During our first full day (March 9th) we visited the forest MoSI station. A large tree had fallen near the bird banding station which created a sunlit patch in the forest and several teneral or young damselflies were present.
-- Ariel El Dorado, "pond area": 13.23432, -86.05405, ~1270 m
This is a spring-fed stream that begins in the hillside and flows through the forest down to a low, open area that creates a wide spot (almost a pond).
The stream is rocky in the forest area, and the sunny rocks are ode hotspots:
The wide spot downstream was truly the ode hotspot we found at El Jaguar. The edges were quite silty and could "swallow a man alive". With a little caution, one could navigate the edges.
-- Uriel La Pedegrosa: 13.234418, -86.052895, ~1273 m
This is a small stream that runs from the hills through the middle of the reserve. For some reason, I didn't save any photos from this location. In general, it's similar to the Ariel El Dorado forest portion, but a little muddier.
-- Finisterra, below the Coffee MoSI station: 13.233472, -86.051930, ~1273 m
This is also a small stream that runs through the hills, but its origin is in the neighbor's property. This waterway had the fewest dragonflies and may be due to the neighbor's use of chemicals for agriculture and/or soaps for washing.
-- two-tracks in the finca
The roadways throughout the farm also provided areas to find patrolling darners, skimmers or ode hunters.
09 April 2011
03 April 2011
Return to Nicaragua
We made a return trip to Nicaragua in March 3-12, 2011. Our main task was to help with a bird banding project again, but we also did ode surveys at several locations -- and we had permission to net and release at each location, which was a big help. We ended up confirming 20 species, with a few other possibles, which isn't too bad considering that our visit was during the winter months.
Finca Esperanza Verde and General Nestor's were both visited in our 2009 trip which is summarized here. The numbers of individuals seemed to be greater this year than during the 2009 trip. This could have been due to the wetter fall/winter due to the La Nina year.
The new locations we visited were a stream crossing near Yucul due to a flat tire and El Jaguar Reserve.
FINCA ESPERANZA VERDE (FEV) -- shade coffee farm near San Ramon, Matagalpa dept.
-- Main buildings: 12.93978, -85.78003, 1100 m
-- Yellow trail creek: 12.93398, -85.78248, 1100 m
-- Blue trail creek: 12.9382, -85.7814, ~1073 m
-- Red trail: 12.944464, -85.777693, ~1054 m
Stream crossing near Yucul (YU) -- roadside, Matagalpa dept.: 12.91782, -85.78248, ~950 m
"GENERAL NESTOR'S" (GN) -- private property near El Naranjo, Matagalpa dept.: 12.89714, -85.78798, 688 m. Actually, General Nestor doesn't own it any longer, but the new owner allowed access.
EL JAGUAR RESERVE (EJ) -- cloud forest including a sustainable coffee farm, near El Mojon, Jinotega dept.
-- Ariel El Dorado, near Forest MoSI station: 13.234785, -86.054017, 1270+ m
-- Ariel El Dorado, "pond area": 13.23432, -86.05405, ~1270 m
-- Uriel La Pedegrosa: 13.234418, -86.052895, ~1273 m
-- Finisterra, below the Coffee MoSI station: 13.233472, -86.051930, ~1273 m
Stream crossing near YUCUL
Coincidentally, there is the same area we had a female Orthemis 2 years ago that was confusing.
Species seen at GN:
Finca Esperanza Verde and General Nestor's were both visited in our 2009 trip which is summarized here. The numbers of individuals seemed to be greater this year than during the 2009 trip. This could have been due to the wetter fall/winter due to the La Nina year.
The new locations we visited were a stream crossing near Yucul due to a flat tire and El Jaguar Reserve.
FINCA ESPERANZA VERDE (FEV) -- shade coffee farm near San Ramon, Matagalpa dept.
-- Main buildings: 12.93978, -85.78003, 1100 m
-- Yellow trail creek: 12.93398, -85.78248, 1100 m
-- Blue trail creek: 12.9382, -85.7814, ~1073 m
-- Red trail: 12.944464, -85.777693, ~1054 m
Stream crossing near Yucul (YU) -- roadside, Matagalpa dept.: 12.91782, -85.78248, ~950 m
"GENERAL NESTOR'S" (GN) -- private property near El Naranjo, Matagalpa dept.: 12.89714, -85.78798, 688 m. Actually, General Nestor doesn't own it any longer, but the new owner allowed access.
EL JAGUAR RESERVE (EJ) -- cloud forest including a sustainable coffee farm, near El Mojon, Jinotega dept.
-- Ariel El Dorado, near Forest MoSI station: 13.234785, -86.054017, 1270+ m
-- Ariel El Dorado, "pond area": 13.23432, -86.05405, ~1270 m
-- Uriel La Pedegrosa: 13.234418, -86.052895, ~1273 m
-- Finisterra, below the Coffee MoSI station: 13.233472, -86.051930, ~1273 m
Male Hetaerina capitalis, several found along the red trail.
Female Great Spreadwing, Archilestes grandis, found near the blue trail.
Male Argia anceps, found along the red trail.
Female Great Spreadwing, Archilestes grandis, found near the blue trail.
Male Argia anceps, found along the red trail.
Male Brechmorhoga rapax, one found along the red trail.
Female Red Rock Skimmer, Paltothemis lineatipes, one found near the main buildings.
Female Red Rock Skimmer, Paltothemis lineatipes, one found near the main buildings.
Species seen at FEV:
- Hetaerina capitalis
- Hetaerina cruentata
- Great Spreadwing (Archilestes grandis)
- Cerulean (or Dusky) Dancer (Argia anceps)
- Spine-tipped Dancer (Argia extranea)
- Brechmorhoga rapax
- Red Rock Skimmer (Paltothemis lineatipes)
Stream crossing near YUCUL
Species seen at GN:
- Hetaerina capitalis
- Hetaerina cruentata
- Great Spreadwing (Archilestes grandis)
- Spine-tipped Dancer (Argia extranea)
- Fiery-eyed Dancer (Argia oenea)
- darner sp. (likely Anax amazili?)
- Brown Setwing (Dythemis sterilis)
- Erythrodiplax sp.
- Red Rock Skimmer (Paltothemis lineatipes)
- skimmer sp. (Orthemis ferruginea or schmidti)
- Filigree Skimmer (Pseudoleon superbus)
- Perithemis mooma
Male Argia anceps, found in multiple locations.
Male Spine-tipped Dancer, Argia extranea, found in multiple locations.
Male Argia oculata, type "B", a couple found on Ariel El Dorado below the forest MoSI (bird banding) station.
Male Rhionaeshna jalapensis, found on the pond of Ariel El Dorado.
Female Malachite Darner, Remartinia luteipennis, ovipositing on the pond of Ariel El Dorado. A male was captured in the bird banding nets in the coffee area as well.
Male Brechmorhoga rapax, a couple found on Ariel El Dorado below the forest MoSI station.
Male Red-faced Dragonlet, Erythrodiplax fusca, multiples on the Ariel El Dorado pond.
Male Libellula foliata, a couple found on the Ariel El Dorado pond.
Male Cardinal Meadowhawk, Sympetrum illotum, multiples around the Ariel El Dorado pond.
Male Spine-tipped Dancer, Argia extranea, found in multiple locations.
Male Argia oculata, type "B", a couple found on Ariel El Dorado below the forest MoSI (bird banding) station.
Male Rhionaeshna jalapensis, found on the pond of Ariel El Dorado.
Female Malachite Darner, Remartinia luteipennis, ovipositing on the pond of Ariel El Dorado. A male was captured in the bird banding nets in the coffee area as well.
Male Brechmorhoga rapax, a couple found on Ariel El Dorado below the forest MoSI station.
Male Red-faced Dragonlet, Erythrodiplax fusca, multiples on the Ariel El Dorado pond.
Male Libellula foliata, a couple found on the Ariel El Dorado pond.
Male Cardinal Meadowhawk, Sympetrum illotum, multiples around the Ariel El Dorado pond.
Species seen at EJ:
- Hetaerina cruentata
- Acanthagrion trilobatum
- Anisagrion allopterum
- Argia anceps
- Spine-tipped Dancer (Argia extranea)
- Argia oculata, type B
- Rhionaeshna jalapensis
- Malachite Darner (Remartinia luteipennis)
- Brechmorhoga rapax
- Erythrodiplax fusca
- Libellula foliata
- skimmer sp. (Orthemis, ferruginea or discolor)
- Filigree Skimmer (Pseudoleon superbus)
- amberwing sp. (Perithemis, likely mooma)
- Cardinal Meadowhawk (Sympetrum illotum)
Species richness could be much greater at all of these locations during portions of the year with warmer and wetter weather. Hopefully, we'll be able to visit again in future years.
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