I did record 16 species of odonata in this lousy pond, including Marsh Bluet, Enallagma ebrium, a species which we've only found in one other (retention) pond, which was the first county record since 1904. I later researched this area and found out this pond was once surrounded by woods. While this may have contributed to its diversity, it had clearly been scoured out and drains put in, etc. Depressing. Stylurus and I returned today, but no longipes. If you are keeping count -- and we are -- this is the fourth location we have seen this species and been unable to catch one to voucher it for the county.
In yet another carved-out subdivision last weekend, this one in Belleville, we watched that blue-eyed beauty the Spatterdock Darner, Rhionaeschna mutata, circle an especially mucky and scummy retention pond. This species is usually found in wooded ponds with spatterdock, and we think it came from a pond a few miles away which we can see enticingly from a bridge, but can't access. The pond is midway between this site and one of our favorite metropark sites where we have seen Rhionaeschna before. And this pond did have woods nearby (now partly destroyed). It stayed mostly over the water, and when it did venture close to us, we missed. Yesterday we went back, and it wasn't around. We may as well begin a tally on this one: Spatterdock Darner 2, Urban Dragon Hunters 0.
Back in Taylor today, after our failed Anax longipes search, we went to a nearby municipal park. A retention pond was created to the right of the big field with the star in it on the map below, but there wasn't much there. As you can see, this area is highly urbanized.

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