Stylurus and I spent the day at several locations along the Little Barren River, south branch shown below, near where the east, south, and main forks come together.

We chose river locations in order to see some interesting gomphids. This location featured an old friend from home, the Black-shouldered Spinylegs (Dromogomphus spinosus). They were all over.

The substrate at this location was both sandy and rocky, and we decided to check out a more riffly, rocky area of the south fork. At the tops of most riffles there was a good-sized gomphid, which reminded me in flight of an Arrow Clubtail (Stylurus spiniceps). They were, however, Handsome Clubtails (Gomphus crassus), a species new to us which does not occur in Michigan.
At one point, Stylurus saw a crassus grab a small gomphid which he had just seen land on a flat rock: a least clubtail, Stylogomphus sp. I parked myself by the flat rock and waited. I was finally rewarded when a tiny, delicate clubtail perched briefly before going after a small insect. This was Stylogomphus sigmastylus, the Interior Least Clubtail, split from S. albistylus (now Eastern Least Clubtail) in 2004 by Ellis Laudermilk and Carl Cook, our DSA 2006 hosts. While both species occur in Kentucky (with hybrids) and can only be distinguished in hand, apparently all that were examined were S. sigmastylus, so I will presume that's what we saw. Hey, this is just my personal trip list. If I were being official, I'd have to net one.
Although we had no chances to catch a Stylogomphus, after many attempts we finally netted a Handsome Clubtail to take a look. I hadn't had many good opportunities, and eventually I made what I thought was a perfect swing. Stylurus was watching, and told me I narrowly missed. "Really?" I exclaimed, "I was sure I had it!" A minute later, after moving upstream, I heard a rustling in my net -- I had caught it. It was indeed handsome in the hand, and we let it go to annoy other people.

It was shortly after this that I slid on an algae-covered rock and "cooled off." It was late afternoon at this time, so we headed back to the hotel to dry off the electronics and change for the group BBQ at Sulphur Well, which was fun even though it was in a dry county. We were hoping to see some shadowdragons (Neurocordulia sp.) at dusk, but alas it began to thunder and rain just before that time. We had to say our goodbyes; although there would be one more day of field trips, we had to head home.
We really look forward to going to other odonata meetings -- the programs were informative, we learned a lot from the many great, friendly experts we met, and having precise guidance on where the odes were in a strange state was a ton of fun. Next year's DSA is in Arizona...
You are always falling in and getting wet! Don't ever get chest waders. Glad you had a great time... me envious.
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